Ribbentrop and SSリッベントロップ | 世界史の三国同盟秘史の理解ならタカスギ世界史研究所にお任せください。



2022年12月21日 [世界史の理解]

Ribbentrop (2) outline

A blessed domestic circumstances,success in the German wine business, the formation of personal connections in World War I, marriage with the daughter of Germany's giant Henkel, a prime residence of prime location in Berlin. Even though this is enough Ribbentrop was also successful in joining the upper class club and helping to establish the Hitler administration. However, even though I was in the Hitler administration, I didn't have any percussion for a certain status or post in the Foreign Ministry,feeling frustrated for the first time. It seemed that he was at least thinking about the director of secretariat of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, but there was no chance of that.The post meant the reserved seat of a professional diplomat. The hand that Ribbentlop, who was at a loss, sold was to join the SS and to keep company with the Secretary Himmler. This is more important than any encounter so far, and it can be said that it was an opportunity for Rippbentlop to be involved in the dirty works of the Nazis. At about the same time, good news came in. That is.........
