Ribbentropリッベントロップ | 世界史の三国同盟秘史の理解ならタカスギ世界史研究所にお任せください。



2023年03月05日 [世界史の理解]


First of all, about the impact of the Russian revolution and the Axis countries. " It can be said that "No Hitler without Lenin" is the most important thing in the interwar period. The theory of the Lenin regime's initial policy of world revolution was particularly a threat to the Western countries.The principle of national self-determination in U.S. President Wilson's 18-points declaration was also applied only to Eastern Europe, which was located in the west of the Soviet Union, and many independent countries were born. However, since that was not enough, making Germany a breakwater against the Soviets was advocated, especially within the British Conservative Party, in the form of easing the policy of revenge against Germany after the war. It is clear that this created a very favorable situation on the Axis side, and it can be said that the policy of appeasement with Germany was also on this foreshadowing. The emerging independent countries in Eastern Europe may have had no choice but to eventually form an alliance with Germany to counter the threat of the Soviet Union, or to acquiesce to Germany's policy of aggression to a certain extent.
