2023年03月06日 [世界史の理解]
Next, the background that worked very favorably on the Axis side is the improvement of anti-war awareness in the interwar period. This was a phenomenon that was particularly noticeable in England and France. Currently, there are seats for disabled, elderly and pregnant women in one corner of the train, but originally it was installed in each country after the First World War, but since it was mainly for the war wounded, their miseries led to the improvement of anti-war awareness. . It became a foreshadowing of the Anglo-French appeasement policy against Japan, Germany and Italy in the 1930s, and Germany forced the invasion policy by making good use of it. The war dead in World War I had quite different features from that of the previous wars. Of course, the number of war dead increased dramatically due to totalization of wars, but most of the war dead died during the battle. Until then, there were most of the war dead due to epidemics, unsanitary and starvation, so this was shocking.