Ribbentrop and Nuerunberg subsequent trialsリッベントロップ | 世界史の三国同盟秘史の理解ならタカスギ世界史研究所にお任せください。



2023年05月01日 [世界史の理解]

Ribbentrop and Tripartite Alliance(5)subsequent trials

I think there are many people who think that the condemnation of war crimes is over at the Nuerunberg Trial where Ribbentrop was sentenced to death. In Germany, the Nuerunberg
subsequent trials and the de-Nazification trials were also held, and in 1979, it was decided not to apply the statute of criminal limitations to Nazi crimes. As for these continuing trials,12 were held, but the 11th ministerial trial attracted the most attention,including many Nazi dignitaries. In relation to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in addition to Undersecretary of Foreign Affairs Weizsecker, Undersecretary Steengracht, Undersecretary Bohle Undersecretary Keppler, Undersecretary Ritter, Political Director Woermann, Ambassador to Hungary ,Veesenmayer. In relation to ministry of Reicheskanzler and President,Lammers,Meissner,Dietlich.As for ministry of finance,Count Krosik, Vice President of the Imperial Bank,Puhl.Deputy Secretary, Stuckart in the Ministry of the Interior, and the 6th director of National Public Security Headquarters in the SS,Schellenberg,were also tried. Other continuing trials were the targets of the perpetrators, but the minister's trial is difficult to prove, so there is no death sentence and in addition,each of the prison terms is comparatively short. It is also covered in the already published "Secret History of the Tripartite Alliance" and "Ribbentrop", but the Nuerunberg Trial and the Tokyo Trial will be handled at a later date.
