2024年02月22日 [世界史の理解]
タカスギ世界史研究所へようこそ/welcome to Takasugi Institute (8)
当研究所は専門論文も発表していきます。第二次世界大戦から始めたので、しばらくはこの大戦の決定的な段階に関する論文を発表していきます。まずは、1940年の8月から9月におけるイギリスの状態を各国がどう見たかを主に公文書を用いて考察します。ロンドンには各国の大使館があり状況をどう本国に報告したかが非常に重要になってきます。日本、アメリカ、ポルトガルを例に挙げその後の政策にどう反映していったかを見ていきます。ポルトガルのリスボンの公文書館にもいく予定です。次は、1941年12月。特に寒かったこの冬、戦略目標の分散などにより、夏にはソ連崩壊後のことを語るなど余裕を見せるヒトラーでしたが、12月5日以降はクレムリンを遠望できる位置からの退却となりました。そんな矢先に起こったのが、日米開戦でした。イギリスもまだ降伏せずモスクワも占領できないとなると、なぜアメリカに宣戦布告したのかが不可解です。独米開戦の真相に迫ります。三つ目は、1945年4月から5月。4月30日午後、ヒトラーは地下防空壕で妻と共に自殺します。まだ同盟国であった日本は弔辞を出したのでしょうか?中立国の中には弔辞を出して顰蹙を買った例もあるくらいです。日独伊三国同盟は空虚とか虚構とか言われますが、ここにもそれがよく表れています。ヒトラーが大統領に任命したデーニッツ海軍元帥のフレンスブルク政権の動向は日本も注視していました。外相をリッベントロップからローズ奨学生でオックスフォード大学卒業のフォン クロージク蔵相に代え連合国と交渉しようとしましたが政権そのものが否定されて、デーニッツ以下全員逮捕され、ドイツ国の消滅をベルリン宣言で発表されました。これは天皇制の存続を第一に考えていた日本の本土決戦派を勢いづかせる効果を持ちました。この経緯を辿ります。
Our institute will also publish specialized papers. I started with World War II, so I will publish a paper on the decisive stage of this war for a while. First of all, we will mainly consider how each country viewed the state of the United Kingdom from August to September 1940 using official documents. There are embassies of each country in London, and it becomes very important how the diplomats reported the situations to your home country. We will take Japan, the United States, and Portugal as examples and see how they were reflected in the subsequent policies. I'm also planning to go to the archives in Lisbon, Portugal. Next is December 1941. This winter, which was especially cold or malodnii, due to the dispersion of strategic goals, Hitler could afford to talk about what would happen after the collapse of the Soviet Union in the summer, but after December 5, the Germans of the Army Group Center retreated from a position where they could see the Kremlin. At that time, it was the start of the war between Japan and the United States. If Britain has not surrendered yet and Moscow cannot be occupied, it is inexplicable why they declared war on the United States. We will approach the truth of the start of the German-American war. The third is from April to May 1945. On the afternoon of April 30, Hitler committed a suicide with his wife in an underground air-raid shelter. Did Japan, which was still an ally, give a condolence to German ambassador,Stahmer? There were even examples of neutral countries that gave mourning to the Reich and therefore would be frowned by the Allies. The Tripartite Alliance between Japan, Germany and Italy is said to be empty or fictional, but it also shows well here. Japan was also watching closely the movement of the Flensburg government under Admiral Doenitz, whom Hitler appointed as president. The admiral replaced the foreign minister from Ribbentrop to Von Krosik, minister of finance,a Rhose Scholarship member and graduated from Oxford University, to negotiate with the Allies, but the regime itself was denied, and all of Doenitz and below ,Jodl,Speer,Klondike and so on ,were arrested,resulting in the Berin Declarations and anihiration of the German state.This had the effect of gaining momentum on Japan's mainland decisive battle faction. I will follow this process.
Our institute will also publish specialized papers. I started with World War II, so I will publish a paper on the decisive stage of this war for a while. First of all, we will mainly consider how each country viewed the state of the United Kingdom from August to September 1940 using official documents. There are embassies of each country in London, and it becomes very important how the diplomats reported the situations to your home country. We will take Japan, the United States, and Portugal as examples and see how they were reflected in the subsequent policies. I'm also planning to go to the archives in Lisbon, Portugal. Next is December 1941. This winter, which was especially cold or malodnii, due to the dispersion of strategic goals, Hitler could afford to talk about what would happen after the collapse of the Soviet Union in the summer, but after December 5, the Germans of the Army Group Center retreated from a position where they could see the Kremlin. At that time, it was the start of the war between Japan and the United States. If Britain has not surrendered yet and Moscow cannot be occupied, it is inexplicable why they declared war on the United States. We will approach the truth of the start of the German-American war. The third is from April to May 1945. On the afternoon of April 30, Hitler committed a suicide with his wife in an underground air-raid shelter. Did Japan, which was still an ally, give a condolence to German ambassador,Stahmer? There were even examples of neutral countries that gave mourning to the Reich and therefore would be frowned by the Allies. The Tripartite Alliance between Japan, Germany and Italy is said to be empty or fictional, but it also shows well here. Japan was also watching closely the movement of the Flensburg government under Admiral Doenitz, whom Hitler appointed as president. The admiral replaced the foreign minister from Ribbentrop to Von Krosik, minister of finance,a Rhose Scholarship member and graduated from Oxford University, to negotiate with the Allies, but the regime itself was denied, and all of Doenitz and below ,Jodl,Speer,Klondike and so on ,were arrested,resulting in the Berin Declarations and anihiration of the German state.This had the effect of gaining momentum on Japan's mainland decisive battle faction. I will follow this process.