The Secret History of the Tripartite Alliance


Anticomintern Pacts

"No Hitler without Lenin" and "No fascism without socialism" are the most important keywords in the interwar period. In this secret history of the Tripartite Alliance, Britain appears frequently, but since Germany is going to dominate Eastern Europe, let's acknowledge Britain's naval dominance. At first, they tried to use diplomacy, but they failed and resorted to military force. Germany's ultimate enemies were Russia and socialism. Aside from Russia's geographic location becoming the object of Germany's living space(lebesraum in German), why is this socialism so hated? Because it denies private property? Do so many people, myself included, have so much private property that they don't want it taken? Are you desperately trying to protect it just because you only have a little? This can be said to some extent. The issue of the dual class nature of peasants has often been taken up in world history, and they were revolutionary until they acquired land, and conservative just after that. Socialism actually has a cross-sectionalor in a sense horizontal nature, and the nations, companies, and families in the world all operate vertically, but socialism tries to cross-cut them, so society is confused and the nation is confused. Many people will feel disgust at even companies and families being denied As long as socialism was an idea or an organization, it was fine, but when the Russian Revolution did create a socialist state, the story changed. Moreover, the theory of the world revolution is trying to export the revolution to the world,particularly to Germany,France,England and America so each country tries to suppress the prevalence of the revolution, but it also at last fails. Although the socialization of Europe as a whole failed, the Comintern would create each communist party in Asia and Africa and aim for socialization. This socialist movement and fascist movement are linked afterward to the end………

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