The Secret History of the Tripartite Alliance
In November 1937, his official declaration of appointment as Foreign Minister before and after the signing of the Tripartite Pact in Rome inflicted Hitler's wrath on him, and was the subject of much attention in Munich. Hitler harshly blamed Ribbentrop for declaration in public of his inauguration of Foreign Minister. Heartbrokenly,at a loss for hopelessness of his promotion ,he went back to London.As the last hope, with the aide of his wife,he wrote up Ambassador‘s report A5522 early part of January 1938 and immediately put it forth to Hitler. It is written that Britain is the biggest enemy and that now is the time to go to war when British preparations for war are not complete. There were many candidates such as Göring and Goebbels, but they were examined from the viewpoint of who was the most suitable for the immediate annexation of Austria, the elimination of the Czech Republic, and the reversion of Danzig and Memel. Following the dismissal of Defense Minister Blomberg and Chief of the General Staff Frisch, Foreign Minister Neurath was also dismissed. Though he was nominated to Forein Minister and would be as busy as a bee with things as to the annexation of Austria, a lot of British people wondered why Ribbentrop was here in London March 1938, and after the ceremonies of parting,when Ribbentrop arrived in Vienna, the first group invading Austria had already left. He must have asked himself whether he was trusted. Perhaps it is precisely because he is uncertain whether he is trusted or not that he has persevered in his aggressive stance on the Czech and Polish problems………
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