

タカスギ世界史研究所へようこそ/welcome to Takasugi Institute(23)


Our institute is a world history research institute. It started with e-books and specialized papers related to World War II, so you may think it is a World War II Research Institute. World War II was a very important event in world history, so we plan to announce the results in some way in the future. This year, we will unravel the differences in each country's analytical judgment on the current situation in the United Kingdom from August to September 1940, and the comparison between Portugal, the United States, and Japan, mainly based on telegrams from diplomats stationed in London, which would reflect the foreign policies of the three countries. I think it will end by discussing whether it will appear. Next year, we plan to deal with the inheritance of the imperial philosophy of the Mongolian Empire and the current China and Russia. First of all, I will unravel the formation of the Mongolian Empire and the reality of Russian and Chinese rule.




  • タカスギ世界史研究所
  • お問合せ
  • 既存の組織ではやりにくい横断的な試みができるところ。最初の試みである三国同盟秘史もドイツだけでなくイタリア、日本にもかなり言及。次の試みの慶大専科も世界史と英語が完全に一体化しています。また、現在準備中の孔明コンテストに至っては、外国語も英語だけではないし、勉強面でも理数も扱うし、スポーツもピアノも課題に入ります。