

タカスギ世界史研究所へようこそ/welcome to Takasugi Institute(24)


I would like to compare the comparison of how they analyzed the United Kingdom from August to September 1940 in Japan, Portugal, and the United States, but today I happen to read the memoirs of Aoi Shigemitsu, who was the Japanese ambassador to the United Kingdom at this time for the first time in a long time. Many memoirs end up as self-justification, so be careful when handling them. The best example of this can be said to be the memoir of German Foreign Minister Ribbentrop.When I read Shigemitsu's memoirs, he criticizes the Axis faction in Japan that promotes the military alliance with Germany and depicts the meeting with Prime Minister Churchill in an emotional way. Whether Shigemitsu's analysis was wrong or the judgment of the home government was wrong, I would like to analyze the primary material.




  • タカスギ世界史研究所
  • お問合せ
  • 既存の組織ではやりにくい横断的な試みができるところ。最初の試みである三国同盟秘史もドイツだけでなくイタリア、日本にもかなり言及。次の試みの慶大専科も世界史と英語が完全に一体化しています。また、現在準備中の孔明コンテストに至っては、外国語も英語だけではないし、勉強面でも理数も扱うし、スポーツもピアノも課題に入ります。